SA Innovation & Investment Fund Grants

Round 3 of the SA Innovation & Investment Fund Industry Development Program is now open.

The scheme will fund up to 50% of an eligible project. Minimum project spend is $500,000, thus grants are from a minimum of $250,000 to maximum of $5 million per project. Applicants must be able to show they can fund the other 50%. Applications close Friday 10 Sept. Information sessions for potential applicants will be held 27 and 28 July.

The focus is on job creation.  I note in particular that:

  • funding will be directed at sustainable job creation in South Australia, rather than community-based projects
  • projects must have at least $500,000 in eligible capital costs (primarily being for plant and equipment directly applied to the production of the outputs of the investment proposal, and excluding land, buildings, construction and infrastructure)
  • projects which demonstrate the introduction of new innovations or technology (rather than research and scoping studies) will be favoured.

For more information, forms, etc., please see:

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