Them’s the Breaks

The family evacuated their home in the Adelaide Hills and came to stay with us during last week’s catastrophic bushfire period. In the evening of the hottest day, after the grandkids had been cooped inside all day, we got outside when the back garden was in shade and were having one of the best water battles, chasing each other with the hose and having a lovely time.

In one skirmish we all got tangled up, tripped, and I put my hand out to stop us crashing into a wall. I straight-armed into the wall, my shoulder sort of imploded and I went down in a screaming heap. I do not mean that figuratively.

My family is amazing; elder daughter took charge and called triple 0 while getting me and everyone else organised.

Caroline and Mary, the two brilliant ambos, got the worst of the pain under control and it took them plus a couple of firies whom they called in from a nearby job to get me onto a gurney, out of the garden and into the ambulance

I was admitted to the ED at the new RAH immediately, no queues or ramping on what was a very busy night.

Could not fault the staff or the care I got – all were excellent. Perhaps it would be good if politicians, decision-makers and quick-on-the-draw critics were compelled to spend a night as an observer in ED to see just what the staff have to put up with and how they go about looking after all kinds of people calmly and professionally.

Long story short – I have a very messy fracture of the head and neck of the humerus with bits and fragments generously scattered here and there. As the doc said, “You made a good job of it”.

The bad news is that there is no procedure to fix it, just a collar and cuff sling, time, gritted teeth and occasional pain relief when it gets too bad.

Sleeping is a challenge, as is standing and sitting.

I was discharged the next morning with my sling and prescription and am now home. I think I am in for an interesting Christmas and New Year.

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