Interesting start to work in 2012

2012 has kicked off with two interesting projects. First was editing a short report about a civil engineering project in Darwin and its construction plan. The second was a fascinating exercise to write a submission to the Biodiversity Fund, part of the Federal Government’s Clean Energy Future Program. The submission seeks funds to reforest and revegetate a large area of farmland on the Eyre Peninsula to improve biodiversity and create potential carbon offsets.

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One Response to Interesting start to work in 2012

  1. nigel says:

    Outstanding project if they are serious about reforesting the Eyre Peninsula but politically it would be so contentious, especially if the pioneer species need to be exotic! I can’t remember if there are any arboreta in that region, which would give a guide on growth and species type? How unfortunate that CSIRO Forestry was closed to make way for the Department of Climate Change. But from a Forester’s point of view it is a dream job with fire retardant species dominating; Pheww………

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