Happy Birthday to Me

It’s my Birthday!

How old? Well, here’s a clue: I can remember a time before Rock n’ Roll.

What did I get for presents? From my partner in life, Lady Ann, a new electric shaver. From my younger daughter, Tracy, a nice bottle of red, and from my older daughter currently in Amsterdam, a surprise “Happy Birthday Dad” message on the internet.

BTW. Sharon’s tummy troubles are fixed and she’s off to the UK for a couple of days to visit the rellies before flying back to Madrid for a flight to Cuba. Oh, these young people, gadding about all over. Tracy has been flat out since her return from Europe stating up her own graphic design business.

Anyway, back to me! From my beloved mother-in-law, bless her, Gazman socks. From my good friends, Father Greg and Sister Rae, a rather nice bottle of mysterious grape-liqueur marinade cum dessert sauce and a Swiss Victorinox miniature tool kit packed into a credit-card sized case – very cute.

And from me to me? Another layby payment for my new guitar. It’s a beauty, a Fender Squier Telecaster. Custom, with twin humbuckers. Black. Functional. Like a tommy gun.

Happy Birthday to Me.

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